Central Tenets

St. Anna Greek Orthodox Church is a Greek Orthodox Christian parish in the Sandy, Utah, which is part of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America under the jurisdiction of the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Denver.

The primary goal of the Parish is to facilitate the practice of Orthodox Christianity, and to guide and teach those who are Orthodox Christian and those who wish to become Orthodox Christians in matters of faith.

The Parish intends to sustain itself primarily through stewardship, which will be the primary source of income for the Parish. Other fundraising activities will compliment but not replace stewardship. Parishioners should give freely from their hearts of their time, talents and treasures to support the Parish.

The goal of Parish fundraisers and capital campaigns will be consistent with the Orthodox Christian teachings and traditions, and will be designed to increase the parish treasuries for the benefit of His Holy Church and work to expand Orthodoxy.

The growth of Orthodox Christianity depends on the inclusion of people from all backgrounds, ethnicities and experiences. The Parish will recognize, celebrate and embrace the various ethnic and cultural influences on which Orthodoxy is based, and will strive to welcome and include those Orthodox or potential Orthodox Christians coming from different backgrounds, experiences and heritages.

The Parish recognizes that the Hierarchs and clergy are the spiritual leaders and administers of His Holy Church with the local priest serving as the head of the Parish, and that a local Parish is not separate and distinct from but rather part of the larger Orthodox Christian Church.

The Parish works with the Hierarchs and local clergy of His Holy Church to build a stronger and more vibrant Orthodox Christian community, shows respect to the Hierarchs and the local clergy in order to develop a more productive relationship founded on mutual respect, and works together with the Hierarchs and local clergy for the common good.

Our Parish Council serves as the Board of Directors for corporate law purposes, but is first and foremost a ministry of His Holy Church. Our Parish Council manages the Parish in conformity and harmony with the teachings, traditions and regulations of His Holy Church, and in cooperation with the local clergy and Hierarchs.

The development of new Orthodox Christian parishes strengthens Orthodox Christianity. The Parish supports sister Orthodox Christian parishes throughout the state, encourages participation in their special services and feast days, and encourages active support for and participation in their fundraisers and other activities. The Parish prays for the development of new Orthodox Christian parishes so that the Orthodox Christian faith can grow and prosper.