Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
I trust and pray that you are all well. As we are moving quickly towards the date of opening our Sanctuary to live participation in worship,
I invite you to open the following link that will allow you to watch an instructional video that will welcome you back to the church.
If you are planning an immediate return to worship, or waiting a bit longer, please watch this video; lovingly prepared by the youth of our parish.
I want to thank Kennedy Carrera most especially for all of her hard work and creativity in producing this video.
Please continue to send in your email addresses to me if you plan on joining our Bible Study, beginning Next Wednesday Night at 7:00 via Zoom. I’ll be sending out the invite shortly.
Also, please be reminded that our GOYA Forum on Racism will be held next Tuesday Evening at 7:00, also on Zoom. That invite is soon to be sent out as well. For security reasons, I only send the invite to those who request it.
If you are not planning on attending services this Sunday, please be sure to livestream as we will be honoring our Sunday School Graduates following the Divine Liturgy.
Really, that’s it for me tonight. I’m not going to take much of your time by reading what I have to write. Rather, please watch and listen to what our children have to say about coming back to church!
God Bless! See you Sunday (at least up to around 90 of you)!
Much Love in Christ,
Fr. Anthony