“Now it happened as they journeyed on the road, that someone said to Him, ‘Lord, I will follow You wherever You go.’ And Jesus said to him, ‘Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head.’ Then He said to another, ‘Follow Me’” – Luke 9:57-59
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Though Jesus Christ is Word of God and the Author of all Creation, he basically spent His adult life as a homeless man. He travelled extensively from Galilee to Jerusalem, never having a permanent place to call his own. This was a witness of His commitment to remain close to His flock. For others, however, homelessness is not a divine choice, but rather a cruel circumstance.
The good people of St. Anna are embarking on a journey to help, in a very small way, make a dent in the struggle to provide shelter, protection and dignity. Several weeks ago, I appealed to you, looking to identity a chairman and trip leader for our mission trip to Project Mexico this Summer. Christopher Zambos is the person who has stepped up to this challenge. He has a few words to share with you all.
“Project Mexico is a wonderful chance to participate in the construction of a home for a family in need. This task will include a variety of different jobs and opportunities, such as mixing cement, sawing, driving nails, painting, meeting the recipient family, and playing with the neighborhood children. We will be housed in tents (tbd if we need to provide) at St. Innocent Orphanage where you will have the opportunity to meet the staff who work there and the boys who live there. The first night will be dinner in town. All other evenings will be spent together talking about the missionary experience and getting to know one another on the Orphanage. There will also be limited time for shopping.
Our Trip to Project Mexico is August 16-22, 2017.
We have 15 spots open for people who want to literally build a home for a family.
Each mission team member is responsible to raise approximately $800 – $1,000 for the trip.
(Watch for details about our Palm Sunday Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser!)
The home will be approximately 21’ X 11’ and will be completed in four days. Day 1 will be mixing, tamping and floating the concrete for the foundation. Day 2 will be building the walls and rafters. Day 3 will be wrapping the house in chicken wire, stucco, roofing, windows and doors. Day 4 will be the final touches and the blessing of the house. No construction experience is needed, just the ability to work hard and play hard.
We need 15 volunteers ages 15 and up who are willing to put in a little hard work and sacrifice. Everyone must have or get a Passport book or Passport Card to cross the border. St. Innocent Orphanage is located near Rosarito, Mexico, just south of Tijuana. This will be a very uplifting, spiritual, bonding and rewarding mission that will create memories that will last a lifetime.
We only have until April 30 to organize, coordinate, plan, fundraise and pay for this mission. We will depart early morning on Wednesday, August 16 and return in the evening on Tuesday, August 22. I will need a couple of adults to assist and chaperone the mission. Please contact Christopher Zambos (801-913-5916, zambosfamily@comcast.net) or Fr Anthony if you would like to volunteer or have further questions.”
Please consider participation in this worthy project. If you are physically able to travel to Mexico, pour concrete, swing a hammer, work in the sun, and desire to change the destiny of a family, please join this group. If, for any reason, you are unable to come on the trip, especially for health reasons, please strongly consider a monetary donation that will help get someone there in your stead.
As we continue to move ever closer to the Passion, Crucifixion and glory that is Christ Jesus, I pray that the discomforts our Lord experienced in this world will not be experienced by families living in poverty which cannot provide adequate housing for their children. He had no place to lay His head, so He commands us to provide the place where a child may do just that.
With Much Love in XC,
Fr. Anthony Savas
Please pray for our GOYANS while they are away on their Lenten Retreat!
Please welcome Fr. Ambrose back to St. Anna’s as he is gracious enough to celebrate the Sunday services while I’m with the kids.
Fr. Ambrose will be with us on Friday Evening for the Salutations to the Theotokos.