Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Each year around this time, as the leaves are changing, the Utes are winning and my Dodgers are losing, I enjoy the blessing of announcing that our ministries are now officially firing on all cylinders. Sunday School has been going for a month, and both JOY and GOYA will be active by next week. Adult Religious Education classes are also beginning; allowing the Faithful to deepen their knowledge and appreciation of their spiritual lives.
And very specifically, I call your attention to our Orthodox Inquirer’s Class that begins this Wednesday evening at 7:00 pm. If you, yourself want to become more enriched in the foundational nuances of Orthodoxy, please join us. But if you have a friend, co-worker, neighbor, family member or friend who is thirsty for Christ in their lives, by all means, be proactive and responsive to our apostolic calling and invite them to learn about Christ’s Holy Church. There is literally no other Christian confession that can honestly claim an unblemished attachment to the Early Church. Be bold. Be brave. Be the person who brings someone to church!
Please again be aware that tomorrow is our Special General Assembly Meeting that has been called to discuss some very important matters, especially as they pertain to our construction efforts and future plans. Don’t miss out. Come share your voice and listen to the presentations. The business of our parish is the business of each of us.
Please be aware that we will not be holding an evening Bible Study this fall. When I covered for the Morning Bible Study a couple weeks ago for John Kaloudis, I discovered that the participants are largely the same. We have three opportunities for adult spiritual enrichment, so I decided to put my energies elsewhere as we are still highly engaged in construction, and will be for quite some time, still.
I also need to let you know that Brandee’s discussion class will not take place this week. She is out of town, so the Hopko class will begin on October 25th.
Our JOY Ministry (youth grades 1-5) begins this Thursday evening at 7:00 pm. Last year was our best year ever for JOY. So creative, so enthusiastic, so well-attended. Let’s keep up the momentum with our little ones. Please keep your kids involved by participating in JOY!
I pray that each and every one of you are enjoying the blessings of the Fall season. To me, changing leaves have never represented dormancy or stillness. Quite the opposite, actually. Seeing red and yellow streaking across the mountain range is a reminder that this, this is the time of year when activities build up, ministries flow, people are here, and Christ is among us. See you tomorrow. As the days in our present worship space are earnestly approaching their end, let us appreciate every moment in the space that has been our spiritual home for three years. I am already feeling nostalgic about our “atrium church.” And we haven’t even moved out yet!
With Much Love in XC,
Fr. Anthony Savas