Month: November 2015
Services for Sunday, November 15, 2015
- Matins (Orthros)
- 9:15 A.M.
- Divine Liturgy
- 10:15 A.M.
St. Anna Greek Orthodox Church, 3015 Creek Rd., Cottonwood Heights, UT 84093Celebrants
The Rev. Fr. Anthony Savas and the Rev. Deacon Anatoli KireievMemorial
Georgia Dinsmore (40 days)After Divine Liturgy, a fellowship hour is held. Participants in Sunday school are dismissed to go to class after Holy Communion.
Services at Sts. Peter and Paul Antiochian Church. See the calendar event for more information.
Services for Sunday, November 8, 2015
Weekly Bulletin for November 8, 2015
Services for Sunday, November 8, 2015
- Matins (Orthros)
- 9:15 A.M.
- Divine Liturgy
- 10:15 A.M.
St. Anna Greek Orthodox Church, 3015 Creek Rd., Cottonwood Heights, UT 84093Celebrants
The Rev. Fr. Anthony Savas and the Rev. Deacon Anatoli KireievAfter Divine Liturgy, a fellowship hour is held. Participants in Sunday school are dismissed to go to class after Holy Communion.
Fall Parish Assembly
Our Parish Bylaws state that a member is in good standing and thereby eligible to vote at the Parish Assembly if he or she has made a stewardship commitment for 2015 and paid a proportionate share of his or her commitment through the quarter immediately preceding the Parish Assembly. Thus, a member will be considered in good standing if he or she has made a stewardship commitment for 2015 and paid 3/4 of their total commitment as of the date of the Parish Assembly. Please contact Chris Gounaris at or 801-660-9224 if you have any questions regarding your eligibility to vote at the upcoming Parish Assembly.
See the calendar event.