“Israel treaded on the sea’s swelling billow, which had been rendered once again into dry land. Then the dark waters concealed all the Egyptian riders together, as a tomb laid in water, by the mighty strength of the right (hand) of the Master.” – Matins Hymn of Theophany
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
This morning, as I trotted ever so slowly and cautiously in to the church office, I received a phone call from my Koumbaro and one of my best friends, Fr. Andrew Scordalakis, the pastor of St. Spyridon Greek Orthodox Church in San Diego, California. He called to say “Happy Birthday to Alexia,” who unbelievably turned 18 today! Indeed, this is my gratuitous shout-out for our daughter’s significant mile stone. Please forgive.
He was telling me about his plans for their annual Epiphany Cross Dive, where the warm waters of San Diego’s Mission Bay are blessed, followed by a beautiful cross tossed into the water, to be retrieved by a fortunate youth who will have an abundance of blessings and bragging rights for a solid year. So think about that lovely scenario, as you just shoveled yourselves out of your driveways this morning.
Kids in swimsuits will dive into the ocean and compete to retrieve a cross that has been thrown into the warm water.
In January.
That’s the San Diego version of Blessing the Waters.
I just bought a new pair of snow boots for Blessing the Waters, Sugar-House-Style.
Now, before you think I am jealous of my friend’s sunny circumstance (because I actually did miss Utah winters while away), we must not covet Fr. Andrew’s January weather because he deserves it. He is from near Buffalo, New York. Where he grew up and spent most of his adult life, there are no outdoor Blessing of the Waters services, only “Blessing of the Ice” ceremonies. Brrrrr.
It’s all relative. It’s all beautiful. It’s all cathartic and holy. No matter the temperature, its Theophany!
The Holy Trinity, in the wisdom of the Father, is revealed to us over the Waters of the Jordan River. The Lord could have chosen a high mountain to witness His Triune glory. He could have exposed His great mystery in the desert or the wilderness. Perhaps in a lush garden. But no, the light of God, the Persons of God, the definition of God and the reality of God were given to us over the flowing rush of living water.
Water is the source of life. At least in a balance it is. In over-abundance, it is dangerous and even deadly, like what happened to the Egyptian riders as referenced in the above hymn. Equally so, in scarcity, we parish without safe, clean and adequate water supplies.
In water, we are cleansed. In water, we are Baptized. In Water, our Lord Jesus Christ illustrated, through His divine humility, that to be “born of water and the Spirit” is the way to salvation and ever-lasting life.
We celebrate, through the Baptism of Christ, the redemption of the world, the sanctification of created matter and the ever-powerful bond between the Creator and the created.
I look forward to the opportunity to take the blessed Waters from our fount, and bring them into your homes and businesses. Please do not hesitate in sending in your House Blessing Form. What this does is transform Theology and Tradition into relevance and practice in our practical and daily lives. The abundant grace which flows within the banks of the Jordan is not found in a distant place, but rather in our living rooms and kitchens!
Look outside. Appreciate the unsoiled, pristine nature of newly-fallen snow. It is pure, elegant and lovely. Others may look outside their windows to see the calm and inviting waves of the Pacific Ocean.
Either way, cross yourselves and jump in. For the Lord has hallowed the Waters…gas, liquid or solid. Blue or grey. Fresh or salty. Wash yourselves and become clean. It is Holy Theophany. God is revealed and we are immortalized.
With Love in Christ Who Condescended to be Baptized,
Fr. Anthony