
Weekly Bulletin for November 3, 2024

Weekly Bulletin for November 3, 2024

Pastoral Letters

Pastoral Message October 27, 2024

The world has found in you a great champion in time of peril, as you emerged the victor in routing the barbarians. For as you brought to naught the boasts of Lyaios, imparting courage to Nestor in the stadium, in like manner, holy one, great Martyr Demetrios, invoke Christ God for us, that He may grant us His great mercy.

Apolytikion of St. Demetrios the Great Martyr

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Through the intercessions and prayers of St. Demetrios the Great Martyr, may he find you in God’s comfort and favor.

Tomorrow morning we will be celebrating the divine services of the Church to honor this magnificent saint. The Orthros is at 9:00 am followed by the Divine Liturgy at 10:00 am.

Saint Demetrios suffered in Thessalonica during the reign of Galerius Maximian (c. 306). He belonged to one of the most distinguished families of the province of Macedonia and was widely admired not only because of his noble ancestry and grace of bearing, but also for virtue, wisdom and goodness of heart surpassing that of his elders.

The military expertise of Saint Demetrios led Galerius, as Caesar of the Eastern Empire, to appoint him commander of the Roman forces in Thessaly and Proconsul for Hellas. But for all this, Demetrios remained ever aware of the underlying realities of life. Since faith in Christ had touched his heart, all the glory of this world meant nothing to him, and there was nothing he preferred to teaching and preaching the word of God.

Despite the persecution directed against Christians by the Emperor, Saint Demetrios brought a large number of pagans to the faith. His words convinced them because they saw in the righteousness, peace and brotherly love that marked his life an illustration of the truth of which he spoke.

The Emperor Maximian had just won a series of brilliant victories over the Scythians and was on his way back to Rome when he halted at Thessalonica to receive the acclamations of the populace and to offer sacrifices in thanksgiving to the idols. A number of pagans, envious of the success of the Saint, took advantage of the Emperor’s presence in the city to denounce Demetrios as a Christian. Maximian’s astonishment gave way to violent indignation when he was told that Demetrios’ was making use of his official position to spread the faith. Demetrios was summoned and confined in a cell, located in the basement of nearby baths.

Maximian arranged for games and gladiatorial combats to take place in the amphitheater of the city. He had brought with him a man of gigantic stature and Herculean strength called Lyaios, a Vandal by origin. Such was this man’s strength and skill in single combat that no one could withstand him. There was in the city a young Christian called Nestor, who observing the empty pride of the Emperor in the victories of his champion, made up his mind to show him that real power belongs to Christ alone. He ran to the baths where Demetrios was imprisoned and asked for the protection of his prayer in going to confront the giant. The Martyr made the sign of the Cross on the brow and the heart of the boy, and sent him like David before Goliath. He reached the amphitheater just as the heralds were crying out on all sides for any who would stand against Lyaios. Advancing towards the Emperor, Nestor threw his tunic to the ground and shouted, “God of Demetrios, help me!” In the first encounter, at the very moment the giant rushed upon him, Nestor slipped aside and stabbed him to the heart with his dagger. There was uproar and amazement at the marvel, and people asked themselves how a mere child, relying neither on strength nor weapons, could so suddenly have brought down the barbarian.

Rather than yield to the sign of the sovereign power of God, the Emperor flew into a rage and ordered the immediate arrest of Nestor and his beheading outside the city. He had heard Nestor calling upon the God of Demetrios and, supposing the Saint had used some kind of witchcraft, Maximian ordered his soldiers to go and thrust Demetrios through with their lances, without trial, in the depths of his prison cell. There were some Christians, including Demetrios’ servant Lupus, present at his martyrdom, and when the soldiers had gone, they reverently buried the Saint’s body.

It was God’s will that the grace with which He filled Saint Demetrios should remain active even after his death. This is why He caused to flow from his body a myron with a delightful scent, which had the property of healing all who took it as an unction, with faith in the intercession of the Saint. Time and again, during sixteen hundred years, Saint Demetrios has given proof of his benevolent care for the city of Thessalonica and its inhabitants. He has defended them from the attacks of barbarians, he has preserved them from plague and famine, healed the sick and comforted the afflicted.

Adapted from The Synaxarion: The Lives of the Saints of the Orthodox Church, Vol. 1, compiled by Hieromonk Makarios of Simonos Petra and translated from the French by Christopher Hookway (Chalkidike, Greece: Holy Convent of the Annunciation of Our Lady, 1998)

With Love in Christ,

Fr. Anthony Savas


Weekly Bulletin for October 27, 2024

Weekly Bulletin for October 27, 2024 Youth Ministry Flier

Pastoral Letters

Pastoral Message October 20, 2024

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I pray you are all well on this lovely, autumn afternoon. Finally, the air is crispy, the mountain tops are dusty, and we are full steam ahead into one of the most beautiful times of the year. May this fall and winter be safe and wonderful for everyone!

As we approach the end of this month, I want to formally call our attention to a fast-approaching and most amazing event in the life of our young community. Though it has been mentioned in our Bulletin for the past several weeks, we’ve been somewhat publicly quiet about our hosting of the Metropolis of Denver Church Musicians Conference, to be held at St. Anna’s from October 31 – November 3, 2024. Well, now you know!!!

Our parish was only a few years old when we hosted the Metropolis Oratorical Festival. It was our opportunity even in rented space at St. Thomas More, to showcase the spirit, people, creativity and faith of our small (at the time) parish. Now we will enjoy the same blessing, to welcome Greek Orthodox singers, chanters, and accompanists from throughout Utah, Colorado, Texas, and Idaho.

Though the Conference will arrive on a Thursday to begin workshops and practices, we will be most blessed as a parish on Sunday, November 3rd with a Hierarchical Divine Liturgy, celebrated by His Eminence Metropolitan Constantine of Denver, together with a combined choir of over 60 individuals. How glorious! How inspirational! How beautiful!

To be sure, members of our own choir have been working extremely hard organizing this event and participating in joint practices with singers from Holy Trinity and Prophet Elias. Our chairman, and choir director, Barbara Kalantzes has led a dynamic committee with the sole purpose of welcoming our Metropolis to our church, to our city, and into our hearts. Thank you, Koumbara Barb for all of your dedication and energy!

When you come to church on November 3, know that the seating arrangements will be slightly altered, as per usual. The south aisle will be closed, as the combined, Metropolis Choir will take up nearly all of the spaces on the extreme, south side of the sanctuary. We will install our additional seating in the other areas of the church, and the Orthros and Liturgy will be broadcasted into the fellowship hall. Though we tend to fill the church each Sunday, there will be special accommodations made, so we can fit our own, enthused worshippers, and our guests into our sacred space. I do encourage everyone to be with us, for what will prove to be a most inspired day. 

You are also welcome to join us for Paraklesis on that Friday evening at 6:00 pm, and Great Vespers at 6:00 pm on Saturday evening. All three members of the chanting group Eikona will be here, leading the chanting of these services, together with the Orthros on Sunday. 


This is to accommodate the travel schedule of our Metropolis Conference participants. 

Though the dinner events on Friday and Saturday evenings are for registered participants only, the Sunday Brunch is being hosted by our parish council in honor of His Eminence Metropolitan Constantine of Denver. All are invited to remain after services and break bread together. Though His Eminence was certainly with us in July for our Thyranoixia events, this is the first time he will be here as the hierarchical celebrant since his enthronement as our Metropolitan. We welcome him with enthusiasm and gratitude as our local bishop. Many Years to him! 

I am looking forward to our parish hosting this event. Many people throughout our Mountain West have heard about our parish and are curious to see what has been created here, to God’s glory. Let’s welcome them with open arms and anticipate the beauty of what this choir is going to sound like. We will all be richly blessed on that day. I remain,

With Much Love in XC.

Fr. Anthony Savas


Weekly Bulletin for October 20, 2024

Weekly Bulletin for October 20, 2024


Weekly Bulletin for October 13, 2024

Weekly Bulletin for October 13, 2024 Altar Boy Retreat Fall 2024

Pastoral Letters

Pastoral Message October 6, 2024

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

When you go into the Social Hall tomorrow morning, you will notice many, large garbage bags lined up against the south wall. The teens of our parish are primarily responsible for those bags. No, they did not engage in a cleaning project today, or rake leaves from outside. Those bags are not filled with trash or yard waste. 

Earlier today, out GOYAns prepared 250 food packets for their peers at Entrada and Diamond Ridge High Schools. Very soon, the kids at those schools will be on Fall Break, and many of them will not have anything to eat while away from school. Our children, with the support of our St. Anna’s Outreach Ministry Team and our Food Support Ministry assembled the bags that will go home with the students from these two, beloved alternative high schools located in nearby Midvale.

The Blue Bin that you see every time you come into the church is there to help fill their food pantries. This is an ongoing effort, and we always encourage you that every time you come into the church building, please bring non-perishable food items, to be delivered to the schools each and every Tuesday. Today’s project was separate and apart from our continual effort of helping to stock their pantries. This project was specific in helping to ensure proper nutrition to children in need who will soon be on Fall Break. For many of these vulnerable youth, no school means no meals.

Thank you to everyone who has donated towards these worthy efforts. Your contributions to our Food Service Ministry provide ongoing supplements to our Blue Bin, as well as help us shop for projects such as today’s. The 250 bags that were prepared today cost over $2,500 to provide. Your love and generosity helped make them possible. 

Please pray for the children and their families who will utilize these food bags, as well as for the children who assembled them, and the people who supported them. Everyone has their vulnerabilities and challenges. When we work together to help alleviate them, the Holy Spirit shines through us. 

God bless you all for your kindness and sensitivities to those in need.

With Much Love in Christ,

Fr. Anthony Savas


Weekly Bulletin for October 6, 2024

Weekly Bulletin for October 6, 2024 Altar Boy Retreat Fall 2024


Weekly Bulletin for September 29, 2024

Weekly Bulletin for September 29, 2024 Inquirer’s Class 2024-2025 Adult Religious Education 2024-2025 GOYA Kick Off 2024

Pastoral Letters

Pastoral Message September 22, 2024

As a sharer of the ways and a successor to the throne of the Apostles, O inspired of God, thou foundest discipline to be a means of ascent to divine vision. Wherefore, having rightly divided the word of truth, thou didst also contest for the Faith even unto blood,
O Hieromartyr Phocas. Intercede with Christ our God that our souls be saved.

Hymn of St. Phocas of Sinope

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I trust and pray you are all well. And that this evening is blessed for each and every one of you. 

As we have entered into early fall, and the yields from home gardens are beginning to slow down, I would like to call your attention to the Martyr Saint we celebrate tomorrow. St. Phocas of Sinope is the patron saint of gardens and gardeners. His was a life of faith, service, piety, sacrifice, and love. Let us be inspired by him and pray for his continued intercessions. 

Saint Phokas (Phokás) came from Sinope (Sinópē) and his only possessions were a garden which he cultivated with great diligence. His income from the garden was very small. But since he was a good steward and frugal in his needs, he would always have something for the poor. Saint Phokas studied the Holy Scriptures with pleasure. He even told those who saw him studying that our soul is also a garden, which requires care, so that it does not produce thorns and thistles. The gardener Phokas also desired that everyone’s souls should become spiritual gardens. So wherever he could, he contributed to their purification and cultivation. While he was selling vegetables and fruits, he spoke words of great spiritual profit at the same time. Not only did he benefit Christians, but he also converted many pagans.

At that time, the idolaters were persecuting Christians. Therefore, when it became known that the gardener Phokas was a Christian, the rulers sent soldiers to arrest him.

Since the Saint’s home was near the castle gate which communicated with the port, he often had many visitors; sometimes foreign travelers, and sometimes the poor. So when the soldiers came he welcomed them as guests. After some time had passed, he asked them the purpose of their visit. Obliged by his hospitality they disclosed their secret, that they were seeking the Christian Phokas in order to behead him. They even told him that he would be doing them a great favor if he would help them.

Unperturbed, Saint Phokas came out of his house to dig and prepare his own grave, and the next day he told the soldiers who he was. They were astonished and ashamed, because they had been received by Saint Phokas with so much love that they did not want to kill him. The Saint understood their difficulty and told them not to hesitate, but to carry out their orders since it was not they who would be responsible for his murder, but rather those who sent them. By speaking in this way he persuaded the soldiers to behead him.

An accurate account of the Martyr’s death was written by Asterios (Astérios) of Amasea (+ 410).

Christians built a magnificent church on the site of his beheading, and they placed the honorable relics of the Holy Martyr in it. This became a source of comfort for the afflicted, and healing for the sick. A fragment of the Holy Relics of Saint Phokas is located in the Monastery of Proussos in Evritania.

When his homeland, Sinope, was in danger of famine, wheat was found, thanks to the Saint’s protection. He appeared several times to sailors who were in danger of sinking in the sea, and saved them from drowning. At other times he would awaken the helmsman, telling him to be ready, for a storm was coming. Other times he was seen by the sailors in rough seas helping sometimes on the ropes, sometimes on the sails, or sometimes protecting the ship, so that it would not be wrecked on a reef, or be caught in heavy rain.

Here is how the custom of having Saint Phokas as a guest at their table was begun among sailors. When they were sitting at the table, one of the sailors bought the Saint’s share; the next day another sailor bought it, and so they collected the money. When the ship reached its destination, they distributed the money to the poor.

The Saint worked many miracles of healing. He appeared to some people in their sleep, but he was not visible to others. Thus, the insignificant and humble gardener Phokas is honored by Christians because of his gift of working miracles.

The Holy Martyr Phokas is especially venerated by sailors, and he is also invoked by those who travel by sea.

This is not a common name, but tomorrow in church, if you see Erin (Phocia) Lucy, before she goes off to teach Sunday School, please wish her a happy Name Day. She is literally the only person in our parish who celebrates this wonderful saint.

With Love in XC,

Fr. Anthony Savas