Pastoral Letters

Pastoral Letter October 2, 2016

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Thursday afternoon was a special time for the people of Cottonwood Heights, the state of Utah and our St. Anna Greek Orthodox Church. After twelve years of municipal incorporation, nearly three years of planning, the purchase of eight, separate, residential properties and the excitement/stress of a massive, building project, the city held the Ribbon Cutting Program for its new City Hall Building.

Our parish cannot cease to express thanksgiving and gratitude to the fine people of St. Thomas More; their clergy, leaders and parishioners who continue to embrace St. Anna’s with Christian love, support, fellowship and general enthusiasm. And really, both of our communities are blessed to be located in this beautiful city.

Several weeks ago, I was asked to give the Invocation at the Cottonwood Heights Police Department Awards Banquet. It was a lovely evening. The city reached out to our parish once again, and asked that I give the Invocation at their Ribbon Cutting Ceremony. To be sure, any time we can offer an Orthodox presence, witness the love we have for our Savior, Jesus Christ, or thankfully oblige the request of the police chief or mayor, we begin to be contributors to our surrounding area. We can be counted on for doing good things with, and for our neighbors.

Following is the prayer which was offered to the people of Cottonwood Heights on the occasion of their City Hall’s opening:

“Let us Pray to the Lord. Lord Have Mercy.

God Almighty, who made the heavens in wisdom and set the foundations of the earth firmly in place, who through our Lord, Jesus Christ, establishes us, unshaken upon the rock of faith, do You, the same Lord, the benevolent creator, the imaginative Architect, the master Builder, the generous Provider, the ultimate Sustainer of this world and the entire universe…look down and bless these grounds, this building, those whose hands shaped and formed it, those who will work here, and those who will be served here – the citizens of Cottonwood Heights, Utah.

Let the pathways that lead to this City Hall be paved with the purest of intentions to fulfill the needs of the people. Let the doorways that lead into this building be portals of humility and dignity. Let the walls of this building support the ideals of a model municipality. Let the windows of this building allow us to look upon the picturesque and formidable mountains which define our lovely city, and allow these same windows to serve as symbols of transparent practice, clear vision and honest government.

Good and gracious Lord, allow this building not to have been built upon the sand, but upon You, the ever-stable and steadfast rock. If the rains should pour, if the rivers overflow, if the snow weighs down, if the wind blows, if the earth trembles, may it never fall or be disturbed in any way. For this land was not acquired by fire or the sword, but rather through the peaceful undertakings of a city whose purpose is to serve, inspire, protect and promote. You have richly blessed, and bestowed great trust in your faithful Stewards… the mayor, council, executives, employees, officers, firefighters, citizens, community volunteers and all associated with the City of Cottonwood Heights.

This is their building. This is their legacy. This is the work of their hands.

Bless, Oh Lord, this work, for to You belong all glory…our Father who is in Heaven, Your only-begotten Son and creative Word, together with your holy and life-giving Spirit. Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.”

I gratefully crafted this prayer with the intention of imparting God’s blessing upon their efforts, hoping that those who work there will always be safe, and those who are in need of the city’s services will always be attended to with joy and humility. I also wanted the people of our city to hear how we pray. To understand the Lord’s presence in our lives, the way we do. To give Him the praise, credit, honor and glory for any accomplished task; great or small. It was also a prayer of anticipated joy.

Anticipation of what?

I truly believe, that it was no small coincidence, that in one hour I was blessing the completion of a municipal building project, then nearly the next hour, I was blessing the first steps of our own aspirations, dreams and goals. Last night, for the first time, our joint committees of Capitol Fund Raising, Long Range Planning and Real Estate came together to plot our course for the future.

By God’s grace, I believe that we will continue to grow, that the spiritual hunger of our parish will continue to rise, the pastoral needs of our people will continue to increase, and that God will demand more of us in terms of outreach, Orthodox evangelism and service to the greater community.

It is one thing to pray for the completion of a secular building (as beautiful as it is). How much more, must we pray for our own house of worship? Can we hope to sustain our vision? Can we count on continued enthusiasm? Will we acquire an even greater sense of sacrificial awareness and commitment? The answer to these questions is, of course, “yes” of we are with God, doing it for God and wishing to serve God.

Pray for our efforts. As specific plans, goals and needs arise, please get intimately involved. This blessed task will most certainly take the dedication of every one of us who are blessed to call St. Anna our Matron Saint, and who lift her up in prayer as our great Intercessor.

The Cottonwood Heights City Hall is a most spectacular building. Today we prayed for its success. Let us continue to pray for the safety of the police officers who are dispatched from there, and the firefighters who are attached to there.

Let us also pray for ourselves. Let us pray for our endeavors. Let us pray for our blessed future.

With Much Love in Christ,

Fr. Anthony


Weekly Bulletin for October 2, 2016

Weekly Bulletin for October 2, 2016


Services for Sunday, October 2, 2016

Matins (Orthros)
9:15 A.M.
Divine Liturgy
10:15 A.M.
St. Anna Greek Orthodox Church, 3015 Creek Rd., Cottonwood Heights, UT 84093

The Rev. Fr. Anthony Savas and the Rev. Deacon Anatoli Kireiev

Mike B. Sergakis (32 years) and Vasi M. Sergakis (12 years)

After Divine Liturgy, a fellowship hour is held. Participants in Sunday school are dismissed to go to class after Holy Communion.

Pastoral Letters

Pastoral Letter September 25, 2016

“Now in those days, when the number of the disciples was multiplying, there arose a complaint against the Hebrews by the Hellenists, because their widows were neglected in the daily distribution. Then the twelve summoned the multitude of the disciples and said, “It is not desirable that we should leave the word of God and serve tables. Therefore, brethren, seek out from among you seven men of good reputation, full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom, whom we may appoint over this business; but we will give ourselves continually to prayer and to the ministry of the word. And the saying pleased the whole multitude. And they chose Stephen, a man full of faith and the Holy Spirit, and Philip, Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas, and Nicolas, a proselyte from Antioch, whom they set before the apostles; and when they had prayed, they laid hands on them.” (Acts 6:1-6)

Dearly Beloved in the Lord,

Think back to when you were a child. What did you want to be when you grew up? A doctor? A lawyer? A quarterback? An astronaut? The President, perhaps? The manager at Red Robin?

When children start playing with specific toys and gain roleplaying experience, and then link these two things together realizing that their moms and dads go off to work everyday, they then begin to “decide” what they want to be when they grow up. There are many exciting and well known professions which draw the attention of children; the kinds of jobs which ignite their imaginations at elementary school career days.

Big trucks. Shiny badges. Sharp uniforms. All this gets the kids’ consideration. And many people grow up to choose these jobs for their livelihood. Some jobs or careers, or specifically vocations, choose us. We don’t choose them.

Such it is with the Orthodox priesthood.

To be sure, maybe young boys watch and listen to their priests and want what they do for themselves. Ornate vestments, swinging the censer (not just holding it), chanting, talking to people, baptizing babies, marrying people, it all probably looks, and I’ll use this word specifically – glamorous. I am here to say, that even on the absolute worst day in ministry, it is profoundly more rewarding than any advertisement I ever produced, wrote, directed or pitched. The priesthood is not glamorous, but it is glorious.

As humbling, yet rewarding, as my work is, I firmly believe that I was chosen to serve; I did not choose to serve. I accepted God’s calling. I bring my few strengths and my innumerable weaknesses to serve the flock entrusted to my care.

I am privileged to share in your dreams, joys, accomplishments and celebrations. I am honored to walk with you in your darkest hours, moonless nights, frightening ordeals and (God forbid) catastrophic events. I don’t like it when my phone rings in the middle of the night, because I know that someone who suffers is on the other end. But the priest is there to answer, to bless, to comfort and to share. The people reach out, and the Church responds – that is Christ responds.

As priests, all we were ever promised at our ordination was a cross. The Cross. His Cross. But by God’s grace, and through the love of you, His people, ministry is more rewarding than can possibly be imagined. And soon, our parish will experience the joy of ministry in its inaugural form – the holy Diaconate.

On Sunday, October 9th, our own Gregory Floor will be ordained to the Diaconate by His Eminence Metropolitan Isaiah of Denver here at St. Anna Greek Orthodox Church. God gave Gregory many talents. He could have chosen any direction on life’s pathway. Ultimately, and after many prayerful years of contemplation, he ended choosing nothing at all. God took over. He chose for Gregory.

I truly pray that we appreciate the magnitude of the honor bestowed upon our church by this blessed sacrament taking place here. The Floor and Georgelas families have long and rich ties to Orthodoxy in the Valley. And though our parish is but two short years old, Gregory says that “The people I love and the people who raised me attend St. Anna’s, so naturally that is where I want to be ordained.”

From now, I ask that you pray for Gregory and his dedicated wife, Cassandra, and their two children, Sophia Constantina & Luke Gregory. Gregory’s loving wife and children will be deeply involved in the ministry of their husband and father. Pray that the Lord will bless them with faith, strength, trust, discernment and above all, love. Pray that as Gregory continues his work as the director of admissions for Hellenic College/Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology, he will inspire the next generation of college students who wish to infuse their higher education with Orthodox practice, as well as graduate students who, themselves, feel called to serve at the Lord’s pleasure and for His purpose.

Surely, Gregory will one day pastor a Greek Orthodox parish. Pray that his flock is as kind, grounded, motivated, faithful and loving as the parish who will proclaim him “Axios” (that is worthy) at his Diaconate Ordination.

To me, Gregory epitomizes the finest of what the Church lifts up within the ranks of Her clergy, and you, the cohesive and Spirit-filled people of St. Anna’s, who always strive to do what is honorable before God, are the finest example of a Greek Orthodox community. Naturally, the day in which Gregory’s ordained service begins, will bring us together, gathered in this special church.

The Luncheon that is being offered in his honor, together with his family and His Eminence, is filling up quickly. The purpose of the Luncheon is to offer a place where we can gather, break bread, and joyfully celebrate the blessed events of the day. A day where Gregory and Cassandra’s family become one with our wider, church family.

We also intend to gift Gregory with an appropriate gesture of our love for him and the trust we have that his ministry will be one of dignity and holiness. I ask that you be generous in supporting our efforts to that end. The day of Gregory’s ordination will not only define his future, and the future of the universal Church, it will be recorded as an historical event in the life of St. Anna’s. This mirrors our Christian walk in the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church: Christ ministers to the individual through the service of the masses. Everything revolves around the Liturgy and the Eucharist. On October 9th, His Eminence will offer consecrate the divine Gifts for the people, and the newly-ordained deacon will help distribute them. God’s grace will be upon us all.

What do you want to be when you grow up?

Who does God want us to be, as we grow up?

Let Hiss will be done, as we grow together.

With Love in Christ,

Fr. Anthony

Also, please pray for our Fr. Jimi Foreso. He is back in the hospital as they search for the reason he is experiencing small seizures. I spoke to him tonight. He sends his love and asks for your prayers.


Weekly Bulletin for September 25, 2016

Weekly Bulletin for September 25, 2016


Services for Sunday, September 25, 2016

Matins (Orthros)
9:15 A.M.
Divine Liturgy
10:15 A.M.
St. Anna Greek Orthodox Church, 3015 Creek Rd., Cottonwood Heights, UT 84093

The Rev. Fr. Anthony Savas and the Rev. Deacon Anatoli Kireiev

Georgia Varanakis (71 years);Alexandra Maragakis (42 years); Nick Varanakis (37 years); Nick Maragakis (33 years); Tony Maragakis (33 years); John Maragakis (25 years); Sam W. Souvall (10 years); Joshua Sam Kresser (10 years); Leni Cairo (7 years); Bob Cairo (5 years); Mike N. Varanakis (4 years)

After Divine Liturgy, a fellowship hour is held. Participants in Sunday school are dismissed to go to class after Holy Communion.

Pastoral Letters

Pastoral Letter September 18, 2016

“I have not seen a beast or a living being ever since I came into the desert. I never learned from books. I have never even heard anyone who sang and read from them. But the word of God which is alive and active, by itself teaches a man knowledge.” – St. Mary of Egypt

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Please pay special attention to the above quote from St. Mary of Egypt. I believe that we know her story well, for the fifth and final Sunday of Lent is dedicated to her unique and glorious story. But in case anyone has not had the opportunity to learn from her life, I offer this admittedly-brief synopsis of her story.

St. Mary was a woman of surpassing beauty and charm. Rather than glorifying for her renowned physical gifts, she turned her back on her Creator by living a life of excessive vulgarity and debauchery. She fell into every carnal sin imaginable in her “professional life” as a prostitute and in her personal time as someone who lived only to please herself.

One evening, a festal procession was entering a church, and as she attempted to follow the crowd, she found herself physically barred from passing through the door. The Mother of God was prohibiting her from defiling this holy place with her mere presence. Recognizing this mystical scorn, St. Mary repented and immediately thrust herself into the desert where she remained for over 40 years, living in complete isolation while constantly begging God for forgiveness of her countless sins.

The only way we even know she existed is because a sojourning priest by the name of Fr. Zosimos fell upon her in the wilderness, quite by accident. He gave her the holy Eucharist (the one and only time she ever received in her life), recorded her story, learned from her experiences and returned to visit her the following year, only to have found her lifeless remains where he had last seen her alive. She demonstrates one of the most dynamic and transformative conversions of the known Christian world. We give thanks to God for the lessons learned from St. Mary of Egypt’s life of excesses turned to virtues and perversion turned to absolute holiness.

So, why the Lenten lesson in September? As I stated previously, pay special attention to St. Mary’s words. She lived an entire, young life without ever knowing God, or even attempting to draw near to him. She matured into an adult, a fully-rational being, living as far from God as possible. But through her own efforts, and the Lord’s long-suffering patience, and her personal encounters, she drew more closely to His feet than few ever have.

During the month of September, most of our St. Anna Youth Ministry activities begin in earnest. Last Sunday, we blessed the beginning of our Sunday School year with over 75 students registered (not bad for our “little” parish). This Saturday, our Fall Altar Boy Retreat will take place, engaging our 18 boys and young men in team-building exercises, fellowship and processional rehearsals. You might not think it takes practice to serve in the Altar, but it does if we are to serve with dignity and grace.

And to inaugurate our JOY and GOYA ministries, we will have our Kick-Off BBQ next Sunday. If your kids are planning on participating, please be forewarned that they are coming home very, very, very messy.

I mention these things because unlike St. Mary of Egypt, our children have every opportunity to know God. As a youth, she had no relationship with Him, and that manifested in a life full of departures, declines and decay.

As the adults in our households, if we can prayerfully commit to engaging our children in matters of faith, we will give them a fighting chance to emerge victoriously over a world that will continually strive to break them down. If there is a service, bring your kids whenever possible. If there is an activity, allow them to participate. Their lives are filled with distractions and other responsibilities, but by making their spiritual lives a priority, they will have advantages that no other entity can offer.

They will be strong and vibrant Christians. They will have access to the Kingdom. They will be disciples and apostles. They will be inspired leaders. They will be the Body of Christ.

St. Mary of Egypt did not have GOYA or Sunday School. She did not have the Divine Liturgy or Lenten Retreats. She had to figure it out on her own after the Theotokos literally and physically kicked her out of the church. I am grateful that our children have a church that was literally created, by God’s grace, through the efforts, sacrifice and faith of their parents.

St. Mary had no companions, no books, no hymns, no teachers, no programs.

She is a most-revered saint and an example of complete transformation.

Imagine what our young people can and will accomplish!

With Love in Christ,

Fr. Anthony


Weekly Bulletin for September 18, 2016

Weekly Bulletin for September 18, 2016


Services for Sunday, September 18, 2016

Matins (Orthros)
9:15 A.M.
Divine Liturgy
10:15 A.M.
St. Anna Greek Orthodox Church, 3015 Creek Rd., Cottonwood Heights, UT 84093

The Rev. Fr. Anthony Savas and the Rev. Deacon Anatoli Kireiev

After Divine Liturgy, a fellowship hour is held. Participants in Sunday school are dismissed to go to class after Holy Communion.

Pastoral Letters

Pastoral Letter September 11, 2016

“For You are the resurrection, the life and the repose of your departed, servant Matthew the Presbyter, our Erstwhile Brother and Co-Celebrant, O Christ our God, and to You we give glory, as to Your Father Who is Everlasting, and Your all-holy, good and life-giving Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.”

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Today, my message to you is a message of hope in a world filled with questions. Questions without answers, mysteries without discoveries and puzzles without solutions. It’s a message of joy in the face of sorrow. It’s a message of love because “love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things (I Corinthians 13:4-7). Love never ends.

Love does not end when we breath our last breath. It does not cease when our heart pumps its final beat. It does not fade with time. It cannot just disappear.

And through Christ and the glory of His resurrection, and through the power of His redemption and by the gift of His forgiveness, we, like love, do not disappear. At the conclusion of this earthly life, we proceed, transfigure, await and glorify. Those of us left behind feel a void or absence when our loved ones depart this world. But please remember that the souls of those who return to the hands of their Maker, are active, vibrant, and, well…alive. They are alive!

The above, italicized caption from the Orthodox Funeral Service is in reference to Fr. Matthew Gilbert. But I also call your prayerful attention to Fr. Vasilios Thanos, a priest, friend, mentor and affectionate father-figure I enjoyed working with for nearly a decade, while ministering to the flock of St. Nicholas in Northridge, CA. Fr. Thanos passed away only days before Fr. Matthew. Their funerals will be celebrated simultaneously though one service is in California while the other in Arizona.

One priest lived a long, rich life. The other was taken from this world, far too soon. Fr. Thanos was born in Greece while Fr. Matthew was an American-born convert to Orthodoxy. Fr. Thanos was a priest for nearly as many years as Fr. Matthew lived, though Fr. Matthew was able to know the joy of grandchildren. Neither of Fr. Thanos’ lovely daughters are married. Fr. Thanos spent his entire, 50-year, priestly ministry in one parish while Fr. Matthew and his family were able to explore and meet amazing, new people through the course of his ministry.

Different lives. Different circumstances. Different departures. Both, however departed this world having preached the same Gospel, partaken from the same chalice and ministering to the one, same, Body of Christ. His Bride. His Church.

Please pray for the comfort of their families. Please pray for the salvation of their souls. Please recognize in their sudden deaths (yes, even at age 85, death can befall us suddenly) that life, though cliché, is short. Forgiveness is imperative; that is to say, giving and receiving it. Being thoughtful, gracious, generous and kind is the pattern of a joyful tenure. Minister to others. It’s not only the privilege of the priest to serve, for we are all ministers. We are all Christ-like servants.

The reason the Weekly Bulletin and this message is coming to you a day early, is because tomorrow evening, I will be at the viewing and Trisagion Service for Fr. Thanos, then participating in his funeral on Friday morning. How I wish I could be in two places at one time.

I suppose, in the end, I’m asking for your prayers, not only for the priest you know, but also for the one that you don’t.

May Their Memories be Eternal.

With Blessings of Love and Life,

Fr. Anthony

And always remember…that is, to never forget…the victims and families of the tragedy of September 11th, 2001.