Weekly Bulletin for April 1, 2018
Holy Week and Pascha Schedule 2018
Month: March 2018
Services for Sunday, March 25, 2018
Weekly Bulletin for March 25, 2018
Pastoral Letter March 18, 2018
“Those who wish to learn the will of the Lord must first mortify their own will. Then having prayed to God with faith and guileless simplicity, and having asked the fathers or even the brothers with humility of heart and no thought of doubt, they should accept their advice as from the mouth of God, even if their advice be contrary to their own view, and even if those consulted are not very spiritual. For God is not unjust, and will not lead astray souls who with faith and innocence humbly submit to the advice and judgment of their neighbor. Even if those who were asked were brute beasts, yet He who speaks is the Immaterial and Invisible One. Those who allow themselves to be guided by this rule without having any doubts are filled with great humility.”
– St. John Climacus, from his timeless, spiritual entreaty, The Ladder of Divine Ascent, Step 26, Section 111
This Sunday, being the fourth Sunday of Great Lent, we commemorate the writings and the life of St. John Climacus, Abbot of the Monastery of St. Katherine on Mt. Sinai. Through his intercessions, may we also ascend to the great heights that lead unto salvation.
Weekly Bulletin for March 18, 2018
Pastoral Letter March 11, 2018
This Weekend, We Welcome
His Eminence Metropolitan Isaiah of Denver, together with
Jenny Stasinopoulos, our Metropolis Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries,
as well as the Speakers and Families of the Metropolis of Denver
St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival.
This Evening’s Salutations Service will be held at 6:00 pm to Accommodate the Festival Schedule.
We also Welcome Presbytera Marika Brown of the Group “Eikona” Who will Lead the Chanting of
this Weekend’s Divine Services.
God Bless!
Weekly Bulletin for March 11, 2018
Pastoral Letter March 4, 2018
Congratulations to the Newly-Elected Officers and Board of our
St. Anna Women’s Ministry Team:
Pat Daskalas
Vice President,
Mary Feotis
Beverly Bartel
Tanya Smirnov
Assistant Treasurer,
Nicol Zambos
Board Members;
Barbara Van Asdlan
Kimberly Beck
Mary Ford
Kathleen Shand
Myra Varanakis
May the Lord bless the work of their hands, the strength of their faith and the richness of their hearts.
They truly carry each and every one of us upon their mighty shoulders.