Dear Parishioners of St. Anna Greek Orthodox Church,
Based on the recommendations made by Governor Herbert and his COVID-19 task force earlier today, and in order to do our part to minimize the potential spread of illness in our parish and the community at large, we are taking the following steps:
- All fellowship hours, including Presanctified Liturgy pot lucks and presentations, are cancelled through Sunday, March 29, 2020
- Sunday School is cancelled through Sunday, March 29, 2020
- All retreats, including the GOYA retreat and the parish Lenten retreat, are postponed and will be rescheduled for a later date
- All parish meetings and other gatherings involving more than 20 parishioners are cancelled through Sunday, March 29, 2020
The liturgical life of our parish will continue as scheduled; no services are cancelled or postponed at this time. Our overflow space will be opened for all services over the next few weeks to allow space for those wishing to spread out and distance themselves from others. It is advisable for those who are elderly or particularly vulnerable to stay home the next few weeks, but Fr. Anthony is available for home visits and can bring The Sacraments to those who are unable to attend church. Please call Fr. Anthony to schedule a pastoral visit so that we can keep those who need protection fully connected to the Church.
We recognize there are differing views as to how serious the potential COVID-19 outbreak may be, and how churches and other institutions should respond. The Parish Council believes the above approach appropriately balances the need for caution without unduly infringing on the liturgical life of our parish. We will continue to monitor the situation to make adjustments and provide further updates.
Please continue to pray for the health of all in our parish and world and for the swift containment of the novel coronavirus so that we may return to normal parish life as soon as possible.
Michael Petrogeorge
Parish Council President