
2019 G.S. L. Basketball Camp

Registration is now open for the G.S.L. Basketball Camp featuring Coach Gerard Gallegos and the G.S.L. basketball staff.  The G.S.L. staff is looking forward to another exciting year of basketball camp. Our camp is designed to provide players with outstanding instruction, teamwork, sportsmanship and fun.  We hope that you will join us this summer.


Dates:  June 24-27, 2019

AM Session for boys and girls entering grades 3 through 6
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon
(Doors open at 8:00 a.m.)

PM Session for boys and girls entering grades 7-12
1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p..m.

Prophet Elias Greek Orthodox Multipurpose Center
5335 S. Highland Drive
Holladay, Utah

Cost: $75.00

Camp Features:
Camp t-shirt and camp basketball
Individual and team shooting contests
Individual and group skill work during “Basketball Workouts”
Full and half court games
Autograph session and awards


Services for Sunday, April 21, 2019


Weekly Bulletin for April 21, 2019

Holy Week and Pascha Schedule 2019 Weekly Bulletin for April 21, 2019


St. Anna Golf Classic

The St. Anna Golf Classic will be held on May 18, 2019, at Stonebridge Golf Club.

$90.00 Per Player (tax deductible).

Opportunity Hole Coupon package – $35 Per Person.

Registration: 7AM. Shotgun Start: 8AM. Award Lunch (included): 1PM.

Visit for more information and to register a foursome today!

All proceeds go the St. Anna Greek Capital Campaign – Building Fund.


Services for Sunday, April 14, 2019

Pastoral Letters

Pastoral Letter April 14, 2019

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

As many of you may know, I am on a flight at 5:15 am to participate in the funeral services for our Fr. Ambrose Omayas of blessed memory. As I prepare to leave, please know that I take with me the love and prayers of our grateful St. Anna parish. Fr. Ambrose was always excited to hear any progress in the life of our community. Large milestones, such as the naming of the parish, our first Holy Land Pilgrimage, the receiving of St. Anna’s precious relic, or the identification of property, were always a joy to share with him. Every time an item was purchased for the altar, or a new icon was commissioned, I called Denver to share it with him. He took great pride in his ministry here. It brought Fr. Ambrose much satisfaction to share in all of the continued successes of the parish.

To that end, you should know that today, as the priests were vesting Fr. Ambrose in preparation for his burial (Orthodox clergy are buried fully vested), they placed on him something very special. Fr. Ambrose always wore his small, St. Anna pin that we created a couple years ago. It remains on him still; pinned to his cassock. He will be laid to rest with the people of St. Anna close to his heart. In Fr. Ambrose, we have a powerful intercessor before the Throne of God. Indeed, we will keep him in our prayers. But much more importantly, I believe that we will remain in his. And that is a very comforting feeling.

Tomorrow, following the Presanctified Liturgy at the Assumption Cathedral in Denver, Fr. Ambrose will receive a Funeral in the Orthodox Church. He will be laid to rest in his native Hawaii. Mahalo, dear Father. Go with God.

May His Memory be Eternal.

With Love in Christ,
Fr. Anthony


Weekly Bulletin for April 14, 2019

Weekly Bulletin for April 14, 2019


Services for Sunday, April 7, 2019


Weekly Bulletin for April 7, 2019

Weekly Bulletin for April 7, 2019


Services for Sunday, March 31, 2019