
Services for Sunday, October 27, 2019

Pastoral Letters

Pastoral Letter October 27, 2019

Orthodox Christianity is what Christ taught, the Apostles preached and the Father’s kept.

St. Athanasios the Great

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I would like to announce a special event that St. Anna’s is sponsoring and I’m excited to introduce. This past May, the documentary film, Parallel Love was released to limited markets and audiences. It’s the story of a 90’s rock band who, when on the verge of stardom, were involved in a near-fatal car accident. They endured struggles in every way before the accident, and certainly afterwards as well. But as life went on, following the crash, most of the members of their band became Orthodox Christians…and eventually ordained as Orthodox priests! To this day, they still record, and they still serve in parishes.

I thought that this is a story worth hearing and certainly worth sharing. We have rented a Megaplex Theater at the Gateway in downtown Salt Lake City, Sunday November 17th at 4:00 pm. Tickets are available online at the address printed on the poster displayed below. There is also an announcement in this week’s Sunday Bulletin where you’ll find a live link to order tickets in the electronic version.

This film is not rated, and be forewarned, there is some inappropriate language (it’s a film about a rock band). And as we travel the road of a dynamic conversion to the Ancient Faith, there are also moments of grace, sanctity, hope and love (it’s also a film about people who love Christ enough to follow Him anywhere).

This film is an exceptional outreach opportunity for those searching for a relationship with Christ through His Church. It’s proof that Orthodoxy can speak to actually anyone from any background at any time in any circumstance. We can all be re-introduced to the powerful attributes of our precious Faith.

Again, three rock stars are now priests. But they’re also still rock stars. This story will inspire you and energize your zeal for the Lord. It’s quirky enough to capture our attention, yet tender enough to reveal the mercy of the Lord.

St. Anna’s did not bring this film to Utah as a fund raiser. It’s an outreach effort and an opportunity to share our faith in a unique way. If there are a few dollars made at the end, we’ll allocate them to help establish a bookstore at our parish.

Please support this film with an open mind and an open heart. It’s a cool movie. Christ’s love is powerful. 

In His Love,

Fr. Anthony


Weekly Bulletin for October 27, 2019

Weekly Bulletin for October 27, 2019 Parallel Love

Orthodox Christianity

Orthodoxy Live Podcast October 20, 2019

Orthodoxy Live Podcast with Fr. Anthony Savas


Services for Sunday, October 20, 2019

Pastoral Letters

Pastoral Letter October 20, 2019

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Well, you’ve all worked extremely hard, prayed exceedingly fervently, and been incredibly generous. As of last Saturday’s Tables Extraordinaire event, we passed our goal of raising $1.5M to put a down payment on our new church home. I’ve been speaking, writing, preaching, praying and announcing this effort, together with many faithful leaders of our community, the worth and spiritual benefit of this endeavor.

The continued spiritual maturation of our parish and the ability to raise a large amount of money for the sake of a church has been a beautiful witness of Christ’s love, St. Anna’s intercession and your vision. Soon, very soon, we will close on our property, begin initial modifications, move in, and prayerfully plan on the construction of our sanctuary.

This is all very exciting and motivational.

But now, now while our attention in on our success…

While we are filled with enthusiasm and joyful anticipation…

While we are overflowing with gratitude and thanksgiving…

Now is when I remind myself, and all of our faithful parishioners that owning a church building is not the end-all, or final purpose of our existence.

Our parish was established on the basis of love – love for God, love for the Church, love for our Brothers and Sisters in Christ, and love for all His children.

Our church building will be a source of love that will flow from our Altar and impact the lives of all who encounter us. Our love for the neighbor, the greater community, our society and surroundings must always be on the forefront of our priorities. Please, let us never, ever lose sight of that.

We prayed for a church so we can come together to worship God in all His greatness and power. We must also look upon Him as a true and humble Servant-Leader. He came to serve, not to be served. Let’s continue to adopt for ourselves the same, empathetic and genuine love for humanity, as exhibited by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  

Of course, our dedicated love for humanity does not begin once we are property owners, or end at the corner of 9200 South and 1300 East. Our St. Anna compassion stretches beyond borders and embraces the world.

To that end, please be reminded that this Sunday, October 20th, the participants of our home building mission trip to Project Mexico and St. Innocent’s Orphanage will offer our Sunday Fellowship, present a slide show of our activities, and give you the opportunity to share in our experience. We’ll be reminded of not only the suffering and injustice that exists in the world, but more importantly, God’s mercy and compassion, which overcome the evils of a fallen existence.

Please join us after the Divine Liturgy and learn of the exciting work that is being done south of the border, by fellow Orthodox Christians, who long to ease suffering and provide stability and protection.

As a parish, we have been blessed that soon, very soon, we will occupy the four walls of our church., As a Project Mexico mission team, we were blessed to construct the four walls of a humble, yet dignified home. We were blessed with an opportunity to serve.

For the remainder of this month, Project Mexico and St. Innocent’s Orphanage have a donor that will match all donations made, up to $50,000. If on Sunday, we raise $1,000, their ministry will receive $2,000. If we raise $30.00, then their organizations will receive $60.00. It’s a rare opportunity when your generosity is doubled. This Sunday is just that opportunity.

The past several months of our capital campaign efforts have proven, without a doubt, that we are a blessed community of believers.Let’s pass on those blessings and share in the joy, especially to the most vulnerable.

Thank you in advance for your continued and sacrificial support.

With Much Love in Christ,

Fr. Anthony

Don’t forget that Friday Night at 7:00 PM is our Family Night Harvest Festival.
Costume Contest, Karaoke, Magician, DJ, GOYA Firepit, and more. Come Join the Fun!!!


Weekly Bulletin for October 20, 2019

Weekly Bulletin for October 20, 2019 St. Innocent’s Orphanage Fundraiser


Services for Sunday, October 13, 2019

Pastoral Letters

Pastoral Letter October 13, 2019

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I have attached, together with this week’s Bulletin and Flyer for our upcoming Family Night Harvest Festival, a Flyer for our upcoming Inquirer’s Class.

Each Fall, we gather together a group of people who wish to learn the theology, doctrine, history, traditions, practices and worship of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.

The Church is One, as She is still in tact after centuries of division, heresy, conflict and departures.

The Church is Holy, as She is the Body of Christ, gifted to us by the Father, and sustained through the work of the Holy Spirit.

The Church is Catholic, as the Greek word “Catholike” means universal and far-reaching. This is Her mission and identity.

The Church is Apostolic, as She is the continual, unbroken, and undivided Church; established by Jesus Christ, through the work of His Disciples-made-Apostles.  

This is Orthodox Christianity.

Please be reminded that the Evangelical Christian Calling is not left only to zealous proclaimers and dedicated missionaries, toiling in foreign fields. It is our collective responsibility to share the Gospel and spread the fire of Faith.

Please print off the attached Flyer (not the Harvest Festival, as fun as that may be) and share it with anyone you know:

Who is Starving for a Relationship with God,

Who is Thirsty for the Mysteries and Sacraments of the Church,

Who is Needing to be Newly-Introduced to Christ,

Who is Estranged from the Church and Pines to Return,

Who has been Scandalized or Marginalized by the Political Fallout of our Larger Community’s Past, and not Currently Worshiping in an Orthodox Church,

Who is a Neighbor who Asks Questions about Your Faith,

Who is a Co-Worker that is Lost and without a Spiritual Compass,

Who is an Acquaintance Who now Calls Themselves an Atheist or Agnostic, but You Know Better; that, that is only Hurt, Anger and Disillusionment Talking,

Who is Someone Who can Appreciate and Embrace Christ’s Love,

Who is Someone that would enjoy Worshiping with Us in English, as to understand every Prayer, Hymn, Sermon and Message,

Who would like to be a Vital Part of a Growing Parish during Exciting and Historic Times.

Do you know anyone like that? If so, can you overcome your shyness and fear of rejection, and approach that person with an invitation to visit, participate in worship, and attend our class?

Be brave. Help gather lost souls into the Kingdom of God. Help them discover what you already know: that St. Anna’s is a special, welcoming, loving and place, where we, as sinners, come together and celebrate our life in Christ.

Our Inquirer’s Class begins on Tuesday, October 22nd. By the time we finish this class, and begin the Lenten Season, we’ll likely be in our new facility. Many, many transformations and changes will take place within our St. Anna family very shortly. Please do your part, and introduce our Faith and our Church to those in need who are in your sphere. St. Anna’s likely has what they are missing.

With Love in Christ,

Fr. Anthony


Weekly Bulletin for October 13, 2019

Weekly Bulletin for October 13, 2019 Family Night Harvest Festival Inquirer’s Class 2019-2020